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Enigmator Token Management

Protect Data & Identities that Matter

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Enigmator Token Management (ETM) provides a secure method to unblock
Enigmator tokens and smartcards. Administrators can unlock a locked Enigmator token smartcard using the challenge-response principle, which streamlines the process,
reduces workflow disruptions, and minimizes inconvenience for users.

Feature Highlights

Secured Administration Password​

Each token is assigned a unique administration password, which is encrypted and securely protected within the system, ensuring it is not exposed to anyone.

Remotely Unblock & Migrate Token

Tokens no longer need to be collected physically.
They can be released by using challenge data to generate response data, allowing users to unblock tokens and
reset passwords remotely.

Detail Action Log Report

All actions performed on a token, such as initialization history, unblock history, and owner history, will be logged. This allows administrators to trace and review
the token’s details comprehensively.

Change Security Password​

New users, or those logging into the token for the first time, must change their password to ensure security.

Token Inventory Database​

All tokens, both expired and new, are stored in the system, allowing administrators to manage them effectively.

Integrated with CSKeyFile & RIC​

Administrators can complete the importation to all three systems in a single step using the auto-submission function. This process saves time and effort while minimizing the exposure of passwords and important data.

More About ETM

Minimize user disruption in case of accidental token lock.
Administrators can remotely unlock a locked Enigmator Token and
Smartcard uses a secure token administrator password through
the challenge-response principle.

Mechanism of unlock Token or Smart Card using ETM

Mechanism of unlock Token or Smart Card using ETM
  1. Administrator plugs in the token in workstation

  2. Retrieve initialization record in Enigmator Token Management Database

  3. Provide the challenge code

  4. Generate the response code by system

  5. Input response code to unlock the token

ETM two steps only

Easy & Quick & Secure

  • Save time and effort to manage a bulk of tokens and e-Certs

  • Reduce work load of administrators

  • Break the geographic limitation as it can manage remotely

  • Protect the administrative password

  • Increase work efficiency by immediate unlock of tokens

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